Matienzo epilogue

What follows was an email I sent to Pete, he thinks it will make a good blog post, I am not so sure. So, if you are in any way offended, upset or put off your dinner by this post please contact Tish who will no doubt deal with Pete in the correct manner.

So on our last day the ferry doesn’t leave until 8pm and we had to be out of the flat for midday. We drove around looking at sites and overflowing, muddy rivers. We stopped at a bar for food, our Spanish isn’t quite up to the job but we got the message across between the two of us using a mixture of Spanish words and animal noises. We ordered soup followed by steak. When the soup arrived we looked at it and it looked back. We understand now that a Spanish waitress will laugh when an English person orders ‘traditional mountain soup’ – it’s made from the soft bits of a sheep skull (all of them).

And Pete, I can only apologize for the lack of photographs in this post.

Series - Matienzo Caving

  1. Exploring Spain
  2. The rain in Spain…
  3. Using the back entrance
  4. A Wild Mare kicks out
  5. Whitworth Upstream
  6. (Not Really) Making New Ground
  7. Return to the Dam Bypass
  8. The Dam Water
  9. Matienzo epilogue
  10. Matienzo July/August 2013, Pt 1
  11. Matienzo July/August 2013, Pt 2
  12. Matienzo July/August 2013, Pt 3

4 thoughts on “Matienzo epilogue”

  1. Hi – I love your blog!

    I’m a national newspaper journalist in England who is part of a group putting together a new ‘extreme’ outdoor sports and travel website. The site is also an environmental and social and enterprising in design.

    As I’m putting together articles and sourcing videos and photos at the moment, I was wondering whether there was any chance of you submitting some copy for us on caving? I can obviously credit you and send you a link to the site when it’s up?

    Maybe you would like to submit things on a regular basis further down the line?

    We believe we will have a lot of people visiting the site when it is ready and have people contributing from all over the world so our reach should be quite large.

    Any help you can give us would be great. Please get in touch if you you’d like to be involved!

    Many thanks for reading

    Gemma Wise

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