The boys go west

Cameo E1 5a

Having resigned myself to another weekend of inactivity due to a sore and swollen ankle and after a text from Strong Shane [Ed. SS] “wanna climb tomorrow” I thought why not! So after more texts Shane suggested Wilton, Lancashire’s answer to Millstone. Starting in W3 Shane opted for warming up on a VS phew! Not easy. Undeterred we pressed on, Shane leading his first E2 of the year. Having done W3 and unable to climb in W2 due to gun toting locals shooting tin cans we moved to W1, a more serious proposition; ie steeper, bigger and greener. Here SS, now on a roll, upped the game again leading his first E3, making our tally for the day a full Ganley of routes. And the ankle? Still sore and well swollen but who cares after such a good days climbing!

5 thoughts on “The boys go west”

  1. Nice going Paul with a bad ankle. Makes my struggles up VSs seem a bit pathetic with just a bad toe. Must be those steely fingers that Pete is so jealous of!

  2. Right now I’m jealous of anyone with a thumb in their left hand that isn’t all badaged up! 🙁

    Yeah, good going Paul (and Shane). I’ll post your photos as soon as you send them through…

  3. That Ganley did it’s job, I was unable to pick up a knife and fork the day after. The Arete club….. well a roaming part of the Arete club found themselves, after being rained down from the Lakes, in Trowbarrow quarry last Saturday (17th) with only 3 three routes to boot, Jean Jeanie VS, Harijan VS and Assagai HVS. The former being rather polished.

    Paul, Terry says “Hi.”

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