@ the French side

Last weekend Mina and I drove to the Northern Vosgese climbing spots about an hour from our place in Karlsruhe. The weather was fantastic and we broke the record in spotting falling stars ;). It is nice to see bolted routes again after climbing at the Pfalz and the french “tarte flambee” and a panachee are just as good after climbing than hanging out at the Bärenbrunner Hof. Mina is back climbing again and we enjoyed some shady routes at a hot day.

Rebecca climbing with Mina again…
Chateau Fleckenstein


Mina on lead again

7 thoughts on “@ the French side”

  1. Look at that rock – not an incut hold in sight! 😮 Oh well, Paul has been practising on the gritstone, so at least one of us will know what they are doing! 😉

    Good to see Mina recovered from her injury! 😀

  2. hey you guys! it was great to climb again! and yes, it was a bit steep! especially the tour with the painted scull (you can see it on the left side of my left arm) next to the route called ‘Requiem’ 😈
    I’ve got only 3days to work and then i’m on holiday for three weeks! yeah! looking forward to see you soon!

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