Cromhall splash

With the pigs using the scooter we had no choice but to go diving under our own power…

Having avoided the excesses of Rachards wedding the previous day I had a clear head for some diving which was just as well because I was using my modified Atlantis. Andrew was using his modified Dolphin so he needed to be on the ball as well. We were both using some unfamiliar bits but what could go wrong?


At Cromhall we met Derek who has recently done a Farr cave course, joined the CDG and wants to meet other divers to get a bit done. After a chat we agreed that Derek would lay some line and survey. We could then have a chat about that and then he could retrieve the line. This allow him to do what he wanted and with two of us in the water there was half a chance that one of our RBs would last long enough for one of us to stay with him.

On the dive all went well and both RBs stayed the course. Derek did what was needed on the first dive and we had a chat before he removed the line on the second dive. On surfacing we heard loud rumblings from up above. A bright flash confirmed our suspicions and we exited the water quickly to avoid the lightening. It was at this point that the rain started, initially as large infrequent drops which then changed to heavy bursts. It stopped soon and was replaced by hale stones. We sheltered in the back of the van but eventually gave up and got changed anyway before driving back to Andrew’s for tea and Herman.



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